Organic Mexico Chiapas 'Union Ramal Santa Cruz'

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Cup Notes: Honey, Chocolate, 

 Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, and Typica

Region: Fraylesca, Chiapas
Harvest: October – March
Altitude:2,952 - 5,900 ft.
Soil: Clay minerals
Process: Fully washed and dried in the sun
Certifications: Fair Trade, Organic
Fraylesca is part of the El Triunfo Ecological Reserve. It lies between the flatlands of the Central Depression of Chiapas and the peaks of the Sierra Madre Mountain chain. The Biosphere Reserve in particular is a diverse evergreen cloud forest home to several threatened species (namely Geoffroy’s spider monkey, margay, jaguar and puma) and is critical for bird migration patterns. Warm, sub-humid climate, heavy rains, and stable temperatures make the area idea for agriculture of all kinds, particularly coffee. Mexico Unión Ramal Santa Cruz Fairtrade Organic is primarily cultivated under forest shade, across 1m414 hectares, at 900–1800 meters above sea level.